Re: Pagemaker Windows 您所在的位置:网站首页 adobe pagemaker 7 serial key abrufen Re: Pagemaker Windows

Re: Pagemaker Windows

2023-06-19 11:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

@dcambly : Yes, all PM7 requires is a serial number that came with the software package. It's a 24-digit number in this format xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx. There was a situation where some updates also required the serial number of a previous version, so it depends on whether the PM7 install disk is a full version or an upgrade.


"I think InDesign can still read PM7 files"

No, unfortunately @Nancy OShea ; the last version to do so was CS6. If they have that (or any version of ID before that), conversion is possible.

Regardless, converting is not the main issue here. If they are merely doing PDF archives of the existing documents, then one will want to keep them in PageMaker. Otherwise, it's necessary to recompose the files and deal with missing graphics, missing/incompatible fonts, text reflow, etc etc etc when you open them in ID. The amount of work to massage these back into what was in the PM files wouldn't be worth the time.

I'm actually currently working on a large project of exactly this kind of archive. In my case my client has hundreds of books from the 1995-2000 era that they want PDF archives of. Fortunately, their graphic designers were very good and kept all the assets, so it was comparitvely easy to reopen them in PM and make PDFs (i.e.1-2 hours work each, as opposed to many times that to recompose in ID).







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